Custom School Prayer Books

Bring all your school’s favourite prayers together in one beautifully presented school prayer book. The books are personailsed with your school’s name and logo, and you choose the prayers you want to include.

An example custom school prayer book

Description and key features

Our custom school prayer books are perfect for use in school assemblies, church, and at home. They help reinforce the Christian values central to your school while supporting pupils’ academic, personal, and emotional development. The books feature a high-quality silk cover, are available in a variety of colours, and are personalised with your school’s name and logo. You choose the number of inner pages and which prayers to include. School prayer books can have between 4 and 28 pages and are available from as little as 46p each.

Size: A5 (148 x 210mm)

Choose from a variety of vibrant colours

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Custom school prayer books colour covers

Order information

If you are unsure of any aspect of creating your custom school prayer books, please contact our friendly team who will be happy to help.

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